"Marriage That Works,"
a class taught by Ben Wenzel using the Gottman Method.
The Gottman's are the world's foremost marital and relationship researchers, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and FLCC member, Ben Wenzel, will help guide us to relational health using the time and relationship tested teachings of the Gottman's. This 9-week class that will help you learn how to improve not only romantic relationships but any relationship in your life. Learn about the pitfalls to watch out for when communication starts to break down, some of the key ways to communicate effectively, and how to make sure your foundation is strong to have a secure relationship. We hope to see you there!
The class will meet on Wednesdays, June 8 - August 3, from 7-9pm in the sanctuary.
Sign up on our website or at the Resource Wall on Sunday. Don't miss out on this relationship transforming class!
Couples: $40; Singles: $25