The Living Room Benefit Concert Featuring Recording Artist/Songwriter Kenny Hass
7:00 PM19:00

The Living Room Benefit Concert Featuring Recording Artist/Songwriter Kenny Hass

Family Life Christian Center is hosting a benefit concert to raise money for the upcoming Living Room cafe. You are invited to join us for a night in the Living Room with Recording Artist/Songwriter, Kenny Hass! Through ticket sales and additional donations we will be raising funds for The Living Room which will be a Nonprofit Coffee Shop and Cafe in Carol Stream, IL. Please note that we will be meeting at Gospel Life Church, right around the corner from Family Life. Doors open at 6:30pm. So excited to see you there!!

If you are a business owner and would like to help sponsor the event, please contact Rachel Hass at for more information.

$25 general admission (April 1-22)

$30 door price

The Living Room Benefit Concert Featuring Kenny Hass - Facebook (for more info)

The Living Room Benefit Concert featuring Kenny Hass - Eventbrite (to purchase tickets)

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Evangelism Event - Winfield Bike Race
12:00 PM12:00

Evangelism Event - Winfield Bike Race

“Go into all the world”…or to a bike race in Winfield! If you are interested in stepping out in evangelism, plan to join us at the Uecke home in Winfield on Sunday, July 24th for a potluck lunch at 12:00pm and prayer time. Then we’ll go downtown Winfield to walk around where people are gathered to share good news and minister as the Holy Spirit leads! RSVP by July 22nd to Brianne. 630-639-8605.

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Women's Hang Out Time
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Hang Out Time

Friday, July 22, 7:00pm.  Calling all FLCC Women and Their Friends!

We will be hosting a women’s casual hang out night together. Please bring your best appetizer or dessert to share. This will be held at the Bustin home in Wheaton.  An email will go out to all sign ups the week of the event with the address.  You can RSVP here on the website. We can’t wait to get all the women together! Hope to see you there!!

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Game Night
6:30 PM18:30

Game Night

Friday, July 15, 6:30pm. Game Nights are a blast! Come to play games, make friends, fellowship, eat snacks, and belly laugh. Bring your favorite game(s) and a snack to share if you wish. The best chocolate chip cookies arrive each game night! We have tons of fun!

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Prophetic Training Night
7:00 PM19:00

Prophetic Training Night

Prophetic Training Night, this coming Friday, July 8, 7-9pm
Join us for training and practice in the prophetic. This will be a safe place to practice and learn hearing God's voice for ourselves and others. Come ready to be stretched, grown, and filled up. We would love to see you there!

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Men's Breakfast
7:00 AM07:00

Men's Breakfast

This coming Saturday is the first Saturday of June! On all first Saturdays, we desire to have as many men meet for breakfast as possible! If you can only come once in a while, let this Saturday be the one! The fun, fellowship, and good food is unstoppable!
Bring a neighbor or friend! Hope to see you there!!

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Men's Breakfast
7:00 AM07:00

Men's Breakfast

This coming Saturday is the first Saturday of June! On all first Saturdays, we desire to have as many men meet for breakfast as possible! If you can only come once in a while, let this Saturday be the one! The fun, fellowship, and good food is unstoppable!
Bring a neighbor or friend! Hope to see you there!!

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Bonfire Testimonies and Evangelism Planning
5:00 PM17:00

Bonfire Testimonies and Evangelism Planning

Evangelism Event
Were you stirred up from this past Sunday's teaching on Evangelism, and do you think that this may be your 5 fold gift? If so, come and meet together and let's encourage each other by sharing testimonies and making some plans to put feet on the ground in reaching out to those who need to hear the good news!

Please join us at the Uecke home this Sunday evening June 12th at 5:00pm for a backyard gathering with a campfire and yummy food! Picnic fixings will be served, if you’d like to bring something to share, please let the Uecke's know. If you plan to attend please text Brianne Uecke to RSVP and receive the address: 630-639-8605.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24‭-‬25

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Game Night
6:30 PM18:30

Game Night

This month we are meeting on the 2nd Friday, June 10 at 6:30pm instead of the 3rd Friday.

Game Nights are a blast! Come to play games but make friends, fellowship, eat snacks, and belly laugh as well. Bring your favorite game(s) and a snack to share if you wish. We have tons of fun!

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Marriage That Works
to Aug 3

Marriage That Works

  • Family Life Christian Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

"Marriage That Works,"

a class taught by Ben Wenzel using the Gottman Method.

The Gottman's are the world's foremost marital and relationship researchers, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and FLCC member, Ben Wenzel, will help guide us to relational health using the time and relationship tested teachings of the Gottman's.  This 9-week class that will help you learn how to improve not only romantic relationships but any relationship in your life.  Learn about the pitfalls to watch out for when communication starts to break down, some of the key ways to communicate effectively, and how to make sure your foundation is strong to have a secure relationship.  We hope to see you there!

The class will meet on Wednesdays, June 8 - August 3, from 7-9pm in the sanctuary.

Sign up on our website or at the Resource Wall on Sunday.  Don't miss out on this relationship transforming class!

Couples:  $40; Singles:  $25

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Women's Hang Out Time
9:00 AM09:00

Women's Hang Out Time

Calling all FLCC Women and Their Friends!

We will be hosting a casual coffee, tea, bring your best “brunchy” food item to share event! This is the first of many more to come. We can’t let the men have all the fun! This will be held at the Bustin home in Wheaton with the address given upon sign up. You can RSVP here on the website. We can’t wait to get all the women together! Hope to see you there!!

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Men's Breakfast
7:00 AM07:00

Men's Breakfast

This coming Saturday is the first Saturday of June! On all first Saturdays, we desire to have as many men meet for breakfast as possible! If you can only come once in a while, let this Saturday be the one! The fun, fellowship, and good food is unstoppable!
Bring a neighbor or friend! Hope to see you there!!

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John King Ministering
8:30 AM08:30

John King Ministering

Our beloved friend, John King, will be ministering at Family Life on March 27 at the 8:30am and 10:30am services. Bring a friend and a notebook. He delivers nuggets to be used daily. If you’ve never heard John teach, you are in for a tremendous treat!

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Craig Miller - Insights From The Heart
9:00 AM09:00

Craig Miller - Insights From The Heart

Craig Miller will be hosting a free Workshop this coming Saturday, March 12th, 9:00am-12:30pm - "How to Pray When Healing Doesn’t Happen: Teaching, Demonstration, and Healing Prayer." If you have ever wondered why healing didn't happen when you prayed, this is a wonderful, practical workshop to learn what to do next! A love offering will be taken.

For over forty-four years, Craig has been speaking and counseling…. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul (mind, will, and emotions) for God to identify the root causes that block healing in order to bring restoration to challenging physical or emotional conditions and broken relationships.

Craig will also be teaching at both services on Sunday.

To learn more about Craig and his ministry, visit .

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